Friday, June 12, 2009

still spotting...

So, I spotted more this morning than I did all day yesterday. Blah. Still red thank God. But, when I talked to Renee and let her know it increased since yesterday she said it's certainly *concerning* She said as much as I don't want to hear that word again, she didn't want to have to say it to me. Then she gave me my hcg level from yesterday. And it's a whopping 14,000! My highest level for my last pregnancy right before the D&E was only around 13,000 and that was about 7/8 weeks this is great news! She said the level was encouraging! So, that helped me feel better. So, I'm going tomorrow for the blood work (including progesterone) and then on Monday for the transvaginal u/s since I don't think I should wait. Please say prayers!


  1. I am thinking of you and praying for a healthy pregnancy.

  2. ABSOLUTELY praying for you! maybe lil toot's just burrying itself deep down in for the ride... real deep down.. nice and snug!

  3. I am definitely praying!! I hope baby toot stays put for a long, healthy pregnancy!

  4. I'll pray for you and a healthy baby!
